Edadoc is 13 years old today. Happy birthday to Edadoc!
Edadoc specializes in high-speed
PCB design since 2003. With constant development in the past 13 years and over 500 professional engineers now, Edadoc can meet all PCB design needs including HDI/ FPC/ATE/SIP etc., and we provide SI/ PI/ EMC analysis as well.
Edadoc’ continual investment in technology makes it possible to set our
PCB factory in 2009. We provide all PCB manufacturing from 2 to 64 layers PCB’s and from prototype through mass production.
In 2013, Edadoc started to offer PCBA service to our customers. Our 2
PCBA factories are located in Shenzhen and Shanghai duty-free zone which equipped with with 12 SMT lines totally.
Today, we set up our own capasitor and resistor warehouse including Yageo, digikey and other brands, involving more than 10000 types and specs. Now, we dedicate to offer customized one stop EMS service for every customer. Give us your schematics, we bring your products fly to the markets.
Let's look back on the past 13 years and look ahead with confidence!
Let's raise our glasses together: To Edadoc's birthday!